$490.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases



All students must make the first tuition payment and register for a class by or on the registration period's last day. Students will not be allowed to enter or continue attending class until they have paid 100% of tuition before the end of the registration period.

Cancellation Period Before Student Starts Class

Students may cancel the Enrollment Agreement before the first day of class to receive a full refund of all monies paid for tuition, as long as the student has not actually attended classes. The school will require a $100.00 processing fee in connection with the student’s enrollment. Students have three business days, excluding weekends and holidays, during which a student applicant may cancel his enrollment without financial obligation other than the nonrefundable fee described of $100.00. Following the 3 business days student (one who has applied for admission to a school) may cancel, by written notice, his enrollment at any time before the first class day of the session for which the application was made. When cancellation is requested under these circumstances, the school will refund all students' tuition, less a $100 processing fee. A student applicant will be considered a student as of the first day of classes.

Refund Policy

  1. The entire amount except the student's application fee will be fully refunded if the student chooses not to enroll before the first day of instruction.
  2. If a student decides to withdraw, refunds will be made according to the following schedule: a. Refunds will be determined based on the last attendance date.

The proportion of Total Course Taught by Withdraw date

Tuition Refund

0% of Class Attended

100% Refund minus $100 for processing

First quartile 25%

75%% of course cost

Second quartile After 25% through 50%

50% of course cost

Third Quartile After 50% but less than 75%

25% of Course Cost

After the third Quartile, 75%

No Refund

  1. If the school closes, cancels, or discontinues a course or program, the full amount of tuition and fees will be refunded to all enrolled students.
  2. If a student fails to return to the program by the end of an approved temporary (180 Days in any 12-month period) leave of absence and does not resume attendance at the institution on or before the end of an approved leave of absence, 3T Career Institute will treat the student as a withdrawal. The date that the leave of absence was approved should be considered the last date of attendance for refund purposes.
  3. All refunds due will be paid within 30 days of the student’s last day of attendance and written notice received by the administration office.

Purchased books are students’ property and are not refundable unless they are returned before classes begin.

3T Career Institute Inc.


555 Grove Street, 208

Herndon, VA 20170


Transfer for the course and program credits earned is at the discretion of the receiving school.

Established Grievance and Complaints Process

3T Career Institute instructors and staff attempt to create a positive learning environment where students feel safe to discuss issues related to their instructor or course. Our grievance procedure addresses any school-related problem, concern, or complaint. Students may express concerns to any school administrator without being subject to unfair action because of initiating a complaint proceeding. All documents collected in the grievance procedure shall be handled with confidentiality by those responsible for or have access to them.

 Step 1:

A student who wants to initiate a grievance can contact the student administrative office by email at  [email protected] with the subject line “Grievance” Once the email has been submitted, the formal process begins.

 A confirmation email will be sent to the student confirming the receipt of the grievance email.

 Step 2:

The student administrative office will process the grievance and contact the student if additional information is needed.

Step 3:

Within 3 business days, a meeting request will be sent out to discuss the issue and facilitate a discussion with the student and parties involved to resolve the issue.

Step 4:

The school will discuss the issue internally and respond to the student within 5 business days of the next step or case closure.

If the student feels that their concerns have not been resolved, they can address these concerns in writing to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)

 Website: www.schev.edu

Address: James Monroe Building, 9th Floor, 101 N. 14th Street, Richmond, VA 23219

Phone Number: (804) 225-2600


3T Career Institute is a school certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) located in Richmond, VA, and can be contacted at (804) 371-2285


I have read and understood the enrollment agreement. I understand that this agreement is legal and binding. By signing below, I certify that I have been provided access to the school’s electronic or print catalog, bulletin, or brochure. My signature below certifies that I have read, understood, and agreed with my rights and responsibilities. I certify that I understand the cancellation and refund policies, and I understand and agree to these policies.

An account already exists with this email address. Is this you?

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Project Management Certification Training

What People Are Saying:

MJ was a phenomenal instructor and her knowledge and understanding of project management concepts was key to me applying the PMP course concepts into my professional practice. Through the program and related tools, I successfully passed the PMP exam on my first try.

Camiren Gates

This course helped my pass my PMP with above target scores in all performance domains. The 3T team really personalizes and cares about your experience. The 6 week lectures were very informative and explained very well. You have access to recorded video's, a large test bank and much more. After the 6-week sessions MJ and the coaches guide you through applying for the PMP, scheduling (even providing a custom schedule plan), having 1:1 sessions and weekly coaching calls.Thank you MJ, Matt, Bill and Mike for getting me through this!!!


Many thanks to MJ and the team at 3T. The 3T system works!! Going through this process prepared me to successfully pass the PMP examination, above target in all areas, on my first attempt. Although life challenges upended my initial plans and timing for the live class and exam, MJ was extremely supportive and I had the resources and encouragement to succeed. MJ is an amazing and thorough coach. The course contained everything I needed to prepare at my own pace and build the confidence needed to sit for this examination.

Suzanne Moshett

My journey with 3T Institute has been nothing short of remarkable. Their exceptional PMP training, expert resume creation, and thorough interview preparation were pivotal in securing a fantastic job offer that has transformed my career. To begin, the PMP training provided by 3T Institute is unparalleled. The instructors are true masters in the field of project management, and their passion for teaching is palpable. They demystified complex concepts, making them accessible and understandable. The course was structured impeccably, with practical exercises that mirrored real-world scenarios, preparing me not just for the PMP exam, but also equipping me with a deep understanding of effective project management practices. Following the acquisition of my PMP certification, I turned to 3T Institute for assistance in crafting a compelling resume. The resume creation service they offered is nothing short of brilliant. Their team meticulously highlighted my PMP certification and relevant project management experience, resulting in a resume that succinctly and powerfully conveyed my qualifications and commitment to excellence. The interview preparation provided by 3T Institute was the final piece of the puzzle. Their expert coaching was transformative. They armed me with the skills and confidence to present my PMP expertise and project management skills effectively during interviews. Through mock interviews and insightful feedback, I was thoroughly prepared to excel in high-pressure interview situations. The culmination of this journey was a career-defining moment—an incredible job offer that I had long dreamed of. This job opportunity is a testament to the exceptional services and unwavering support provided by 3T Institute. In conclusion, 3T Institute has not only enhanced my professional skills but has also significantly advanced my career. Their PMP training, resume creation, and interview preparation services are second to none. I wholeheartedly recommend 3T Institute to anyone seeking to take their career to new heights, gain invaluable skills, and secure exceptional job opportunities. My journey with 3T Institute has been the ultimate path to a remarkable career, and I am profoundly grateful for the transformative experience they have provided.

Marium Adnan